A Couple Things Every Artist Should Have #2

Kate Gaffney
Kate Gaffney


To read the first blog in this series visit: A Couple Things Every Artist Should Have #1

A Good Bio:
Just like a good press release, a good bio should be written in 3rd person.  The idea of being personal is great, but you should have some place online where people can go to get solid facts about who you are and what you do (whether its your myspace or official website).  If you’re not good at writing in 3rd person, ask a friend or someone you trust to write it for you. Or simply take some time to brainstorm all the important facts about your music career and compile those facts into a bio as if you are writing a blurb for someone else.

If you like the personal approach, consider having two bios – one formal and one informal. Put the formal bio on your official site. Put the personal bio on your myspace.  Or include a few personal quotes in your bio.  Kate Gaffney does this on her official site. Also check out her myspace bio.

At least one video of your live performance
Never trust an artists recording.  Recordings can be so polished and overproduced. This is why its important to have at least one video on your myspace with a live performance. I don’t remember where I read this statistic, but I’ve heard that artists are twice as likely to get booked when they have video footage . Why? Because it gives venues and bookers a realistic idea of what to expect.  Gaffney also has live footage on your site.

A Way for Others to Promote You
People like to promote the artists they listen to.  Here are some steps for doing this

  • 1.] Create a promotional banner. There are plenty of sites like BannerCreator that help you make banners for free.  Or use Photoshop and make your own.
  • 2.] Put the banner on your website.
  • 3.] Put additional code below the banner that allows people to copy/paste the code for your banner into their own myspaces.  Visit FlashBannerNow for a quick tutorial on how to do this.

Speaking of…here is an example, of an animated gif I just created.  Visit the Random Tips & Tricks #1” post to learn how to make an animated gif. 

p.s. If grassrootsy is helpful to you, copy /paste the below code onto your myspace. Let others know! Thank You! 


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2 Comments on “A Couple Things Every Artist Should Have #2”

  1. dynamo starr Says:

    great info keep up the good work!

  2. […] Grassrootsy grassroots marketing for independent artists « A Couple Things Every Artist Should Have #2 […]

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